Former CSU chairperson, Shannon Keys, resigned on Aug. 27. After being with the CSU team for only a few months, Keys resigned after chairing only two Special Council meetings. President Melissa Kate Wheeler tells us that Keys resigned due to her busy schedule for the upcoming year. “Her busy schedule made her feel as though she could not fully commit to her responsibilities as chairperson,” said Wheeler.
The chairperson is very fundamental and important to the CSU. The chairperson is there to facilitate the council meetings, communicate with council and executives and keep track of important documents alongside the Council Secretary. Wheeler and the CSU are already on top of finding a new chairperson, eager to find a fitting candidate as soon as possible. “A strong chair will facilitate smooth, effective, and respectful CSU council meetings,” said Wheeler.
The job position for chairperson will be posted to the CSU website this week with plans to advertise it as much as possible. The CSU Communications Coordinator will be helping executives find the right candidate to fill the position; as the Council members are all very busy with CSU’s orientation and welcoming new students.
President Wheeler is both eager and positive about finding the next chairperson.
Should any candidates for the job come forward, interviews will be held at the next regular Council meeting. The meeting will take place on Sept. 18 at 6:30 p.m. in room H-763.
Former Council Chairperson and current Chairperson of the CSU Judicial Board, Nick Cuillerier, will take over as Council Chairperson. Cuillerier will continue to serve as Council Chair for 30 days, or until the position is filled. President Wheeler informs us that “so far, there are no candidates.”