The outcome of the November CSU byelections had one of the best voting turnouts in Concordia history and resulted in the gain of 12 new councilors and all referendum questions passing with extremely high volume votes in favour.
The Arts and Science Federation (ASFA) had the highest voter turn out with 440 student votes. As the largest student organization, ASFA had nine students competing for just four spots.Gabriel Velasco got 170 ‘yes’ votes for his campaign promise which stated; “A vote for me, will insure a fresh, uncompromisingly progressive voice on campus.”
“I’m very excited to have been elected. It’s also great to see both the CFC fee levy and Java U questions pass. There is a lot of work to get done,”said Charles Bourassa, a Western Society & Culture major.
Bourassa also explained that he would soon be meeting with the organizers of the Concordia Students for Silent Blue Zones group within the next couple of weeks. Bourassa thinks a silent study zone for students should be more seriously provided.
Also elected as ASFA councillors are Patricia Martone a Psychology major and Justin Caruso a Human Relations major.
John Molson School of Business had 160 student voters turn out. Eight students ran for five spots and those councillor spots have been filled with Maylen Cytryn, a management major who is also currently the chairperson for Commerce and Administration Students’ Association (CASA);Michael Richardson, currently the VP External Affairs for CASA; Virginia Law, finance major; Kabir Bindra, a Management major ;and Ahmed Mustafa, a finance major. Bindra and Mustafa had a tie vote, each receiving 52 votes.
The Engineering and Computer Science faculty had 81 student voters turnout, there were three candidates running to fill three spots. Ahmad Choukair, from Electrical Engineering, Alaa Ajam from Building Engineering and finally, Kyler Arseneau also majoring in Building Engineering.
Students were tense regarding the referendum questions. Unsure of how the effects the opposing “Concordia-Vote-No” campaign and its website had caused. While the opposing points were valid and found to be ‘legal’, the high volume ‘yes’ votes for all Community Food Coalition (CFC) referendum questions shows that Concordia students most definitely want more sustainable, student run food options on campus.
The CFC fee levy increase passed with 605 votes for and 145 votes against. The question regarding the Java U space to be taken over by a student run co-operative passed with 542 votes for it and 82 against it.
“Students have given the university community a clear message: they want the university to completely rethink its food-system, and they are willing to help pay for this transition over the long-term,” said CSU VP Sustainability, Benjamin Prunty.
For further information on the outcome of the CSU byelections students should visit