The Concordia Student Union (CSU) convened for its second-to-last meeting of 2013 on Nov. 27 in which they filled empty standing committee spots and discussed new substantive and informational business.
There are eight standing committees as part of the CSU’s governing structure: Clubs and Space Committee,Appointments Committee,Policy Committee,Finance Committee, Events Committee, External and Campaigns Committee,Sustainability Committee and Loyola Committee.
With the exception of of the academic caucus, the committees are each composed of four members of Council, a member of the Executive who is either the President or designated by the by-laws and a student-at large who is appointed by the Council.
According to the CSU document, Description of University Bodies & CSU Standing Committees, “The purpose of these committees is to extend the running of the Union out beyond the executive, and to bring Councillors and students at large into the planning and agenda-setting stages of the Union’s activities. Executives are there to execute the mandates of Council, and by extension of Concordia’s undergraduate students. Committees play a vital role in helping to shape the portfolios of each executive more completely.”
On Nov. 27, newly elected councillors, Michael Richardson and Gabriel Velasco were appointed to the Policy committee. They will join councillors Wendy Kraus-Heitmann, Reena Patel, Melanie Hotchkiss and VP Academic and Advocacy Gene Morrow. Councillor Charles Bourassa was appointed to two committees: External and Campaigns Committee and Events Committee. Justin Caruso was also appointed to two committees: Events Committee and Loyola Committee. Nikos Pidiktakis will join the External Campaigns Committee, Virginia law joins the Appointments Committee, Maylen Cytryn and Kyle Arseneau join the Clubs and Space Committee and Patricia Martone joins the Loyola Committee.
A new committee, the HR Committee, was also formed during this meeting. The purpose of the HR Committee is to be provide strategic employee direction. The committee is composed of three executives, three council members and the CSU general manager. The three executives are: Melissa Kate Wheeler, President, Katrina Caruso, VP Internal and Gene Morrow, VP Academic and Advocacy. The council members are: Maylen Cyrtryn, Kabir Bindra and Justin Caruso.
The next council meeting will take place on Dec. 11 at 6:30 p.m. in H-763.