A special council meeting was convened on Jan. 15 with three points on the agenda, the most prominent being the discussion of plans for utilizing the Java U space.
In the CSU byelections, held in November of last year, the student body voted that following the cessation of the CSU’s contract with Java U, that the space be used for a co-operative café or restaurant.
On Jan. 8, in order to effect the referendum, council passed a motion requiring CUSACorp to allow their lease with Java U to expire and to pursue options for erecting a co-operative run business in the space.
The CSU is mandated to uphold the desires of students as expressed in a referendum and consequently CUSACorp, the division of the CSU responsible for managing external revenue streams, was tasked with coming up with a plan for the eventual vacant space.
At the special council meeting, CUSAcorp presented council with two options for creating a co-café, both of which involved soliciting business proposals from students.
In the first option, CUSACorp proposed holding a “Collaborative Co-op Competition.” This competition would be structured much like a case competition wherein students who have an idea for a co-op would present their business proposal to judges from different faculties.
The second option, entitled “Collaborative Direct Implementation,” would involve the collaboration of CUSACorp, the Referendum Oversight Committee and interested parties in creating and running a co-op café.
During closed session, council voted to pursue the second option. Unfortunately, that was all the progress that was made. Further progress was halted due to disagreements over the wording of the motion that would direct CUSACorp in implementing the “Collaborative Direct Implementation” plan.