The Concordian received an e-mail alleging similarities between Kalina Laframboise’s original article for Canadian University Press and a later article by Tim Weynerowski which appeared in The Concordian. Upon examining the claims, The Concordian‘s editor-in-chief Amanda Shore apologized on behalf of the newspaper to Ms. Laframboise and promised a notice would be run in our next issue.
The Concordian printed a statement of regret in our January 21 issue, the first published since the allegations arose. Additionally, Ms. Laframboise’s original article was published in full next to the statement, alongside the relevant paragraphs in Mr. Weynerowski’s later article, so that our readers were as well informed as possible as to the nature of the similarities.
It has become clear however that the Canadian University Press and Ms. Laframboise require us to clarify our language, as our initial statement did not explicitly use the term plagiarism. We accept this and fully recognize that the similarities amounted to plagiarism, and accept that our January 21 statement was not clear enough in this regard. We apologize to Ms. Laframboise, the Canadian University Press, and our readers for having having allowed plagiarized material to appear in The Concordian.
In addition to launching efforts to better educate staff about plagiarism, we will be conducting a full review of The Concordian‘s policies and procedures to make sure that measures are in place to prevent future incidents of plagiarism and to create a clear policy so that any future incidents of plagiarism are handled in an appropriate manner.