Hello Marilyn,
This is you, in 2014. This letter is from me, to you, filled with things you wished you had known back when you first started at Concordia. Here we go.
Stop overthinking. Life is too short to be worrying and questioning yourself all the time. You’re allowed to make mistakes. Everyone does! If you don’t make mistakes in life, you never learn true and meaningful lessons.
That terrible grade you are going to get in that random philosophy class in your fourth year? Get over it! What you can do afterwards is put a little more effort into your work.
Don’t stress about being a straight-A student. In fact, try to stress as little as possible. It is hard to be productive when you put so much pressure on yourself. There are much more important things going on in the world that should be worrying you. You had the courage and guts to pursue an education. Pat yourself on the back.
The only thing you can control in life is you. Expect nothing from anyone but yourself. You can be your biggest enemy, or your biggest supporter. If I were you, I would choose to take care of your mind, and body. Be your number one fan. It’s you against the world.
You’re going to end up switching programs, and it will be the greatest decision you make. You had to apply three times but you finally got that letter of acceptance from the journalism department. Even though you had to spend two years in English Literature, the process of being rejected time and time again and never giving up really shaped you as a person. It was a blessing in disguise.
Don’t ever take an 8:45 a.m. class. It could possibly be your biggest mistake. It’s also ok if you arrive to class a few minutes early to ensure you sit in the spot next to that hot guy who caught your attention on the first day. It’s also ok to wear lipstick that day too.
Lean on your friends. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. No one will judge you. If they do, well then they clearly aren’t your friends. Surround yourself with positive people. People who make your life better and more fulfilling. Erase the negative energy in your life because all it will do is make you miserable. You have no time for that!
You are going to fall in love and get your heart broken. I promise you that everything will be ok. Like all the other low moments in your life, you will come out of it a stronger, wiser woman.
Enjoy your time in university. There are so many great people waiting to meet you. Go out, grab a drink and relax every once in a while. No one will think you’re being an irresponsible student or adult for doing so. I bet the majority of students are drinking as I am writing this! Even I may be.
As demanding as school can be, this is honestly going to be the most amazing, eye-opening experience of your life, so don’t be in a rush. Yes, we all want to “graduate” as soon as possible so we can really start “living.” What you may not know is that this is the most exciting time to be you. Before you know it, you will be that 35-year-old wife and mother (at least I hope so!) who at times wishes she was 23 again, studying to become a journalist. One grey hair after another, you will realize how fast times flies and wish you would have enjoyed the moment of being young and carefree.
So take a deep breath in, and relax. Life is meant to be enjoyed.