To all fee-levy groups, their employees, and all voters,
Over the past few days, the one question we have received more than any other is; “What is your team’s stance on the fee-levy referendum question?”
We at EXPERIENCE CSU would like to publicly announce that our team does not have an official stance on the fee-levy question, and chooses to remain neutral.
Sure, each one of us has our own opinion on the matter. Each one of us will have our say at the ballot box, just like you. Nevertheless, we feel that as executive candidates for the CSU, it is inappropriate for us to collectively endorse a political position that will alienate a large number of students.
It is our belief that CSU executives should spend more time listening to what students have to say, rather than telling them what they should think.
Currently, there are a number of groups advocating for one side of this question or the other. We urge all voters to listen to these debates, and to carefully consider these arguments. Students should be fully informed of the ramifications of their vote.
Our primary intention next year is to focus on strategies that can actually solve some of the issues that have come up in the past few weeks. We intend to work towards assisting and empowering the fee-levy groups in communicating with undergraduate students. It is our goal to cooperate hand-in-hand with the fee-levy groups by developing a clear online community where students can access information about all the services that are provided by the fee-levy groups, other student groups, the CSU, and the university. Our team has the experience to clearly disseminate this information, and to impartiality to work with all parties in a neutral and respectful manner.
Regardless of the outcome of this referendum, EXPERIENCE CSU is committed to supporting fee-levy groups, which provide invaluable services to our community. A number of our running executives have either worked directly alongside these groups or benefited from their services. Our team recognizes how important they are to our Concordia community. We remain equally as respectful to individuals who wish to opt-out of their fee-levies, as is their right.
In sum, we are committed to listening to what students tell us, and we are setting that trend right now. At the end of the day, our voices shouldn’t be heard any louder than yours, because our team’s collective opinion is worth exactly eight votes.
A vote for EXPERIENCE CSU is a vote for a team that actually listens to what students have to tell them,
A vote for us is a vote for neutrality, reason, and respect.