No classes on April 7 means no excuse not to vote

Students might be missing a day of class but they’re gaining a great opportunity

On April 7, all classes and institutional activities will be canceled as required by the Quebec Election Act. This gives students the chance to familiarize themselves about the candidates and election issues, if they haven’t already, as well as give them no excuse for not voting.

If for some reason students aren’t able to make it back to their riding on April 7 to vote, they can take advantage of the advance polling stations that will be set up in the atrium of the Library building, March 28, April 1 and 2, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m..

In sum, all students who are eligible to vote will have the time and opportunity to do so whether they live in Westmount or Longueuil.

Furthermore, who can be upset with a day off from school? Voting isn’t an all day affair so in fact it’s almost like a three day weekend.

However, it’s important that everyone who can vote, does vote. It is also important that these votes be informed.

Election campaigns are hectic and there is always a flurry of activity and media coverage and it can be difficult to keep up. Still, when it comes to deciding who is going to be your voice in provincial decisions you should know as much as possible about the person and party that your vote is supporting. Therefore take the opportunity of a class-free Monday to read about the candidates in your riding and inform yourself about the parties running.

Full-time workers are granted only three hours to vote, whereas students have an entire day; this is a privilege that should be taken advantage of.

Given the number of people who complain that not enough students come out to vote and because students often complain that the people in power don’t address student needs, students should be especially motivated to make a strong appearance at the polls.

According to an article published by the Montreal Gazette, “Liberals hope to court youth vote,” Feb 23, 2014, barely 40 per cent of voters aged 18-24 voted in the last federal election. This may explain why the federal budget took so little consideration of student needs. If the government doesn’t think young people are interested or will get involved they won’t bother to cater to them.

Now is the chance to prove all the people who believe that young voters are indifferent and can’t be bothered to vote that they are wrong.

There’s no excuse to miss the polls, go out and vote.

More information on Concordia’s polling booths:

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