It’s about more than just your degree, use your time in university wisely
Obtaining a university degree is a huge accomplishment. Not only does it demonstrate that you have met the required learning to be certified as knowledgeable in a particular field but it also demonstrates tenacity, perseverance and dedication.
Unfortunately, a degree will only get you so far in the job market. Employers need employees that have degrees that correspond to their line of work but just because you have the paper doesn’t prove you can do the work.
A degree says things like: I am educated in the field of biology, psychology or English. I can say I know how to do lab work, I know about empathizing with people, I know how to analyze information and create arguments. But these are not the only skills necessary for employment.
Employers need people who can work in a group environment, who can problem solve, who show interest in a variety of different things. If you spend all your time in university doing school work you might have a great GPA, which is good for research jobs, but if you want a job outside of academia, your resume needs to show what you’ve done outside of the classroom.
Concordia provides an abundance of extracurricular activities that will allow you to develop skills and have experiences that will interest employers and make you a more desirable candidate.
Are you majoring in political science? Show how you apply what you learn in class to actual political situations by writing about politics for one of the student papers or participating in student politics like faculty associations or the CSU.
Are you pursuing a degree in marketing? Apply to be an advertising manager for any of the clubs, associations or groups at Concordia and demonstrate your skills by building ad revenue.
Are you working towards a degree in one of the sciences? Why not organize a science fair to demonstrate your work and the work of your peers?
You don’t even have to do things that are directly related to your degree. If you volunteer you demonstrate to an employer that you have compassion, that you have social and interpersonal skills and that you like to get involved. Depending on what kind of volunteering you do you can also demonstrate organizational skills, time management skills, financial skills, leadership abilities; the list is endless.
So while you’re planning out what classes you want to take next year make sure to also plan what you can do outside of class to improve your resume. It’s never too early or too late to start thinking about how you’re going to sell yourself on the job market.