An open letter from The Concordian to everyone who dumps on our turf
Every week, it’s the same story. The Concordian comes out, and just a few days later, it starts: different pamphlets and ads begin to cover the print edition of the paper. Sometimes, people even throw their trash in our distribution booths, or consider our booths to be some sort of lost and found bin.
Our booths are very clearly identified. They say the name of our publication on them. Our smaller ones, which are metal, are the perfect size for our publication, and nothing more.
When it is so obvious that our booths are made for the distribution of our publication, it is therefore shocking to us how often, and how many, ads are thrown onto it. The people distributing these ads clearly know what they are doing, there is no way not to. The same goes for those who throw their trash on top of our publication; there is no way that you don’t know what you are doing, the same way that you notice when you throw litter on the street. Although it is wrong, you do it anyway.
The worst part of this is that these pamphlets and ads are coming mostly from Concordia groups. For example, the distribution booth in the entrance of the SP building at Loyola campus has had tons of Concordia bookstore flyers thrown onto it, as well as over 20 copies of Concordia’s Bridge magazine–a magazine for new students. As Concordia initiatives, shouldn’t you all respect The Concordian’s space? Not to mention the fact that student publications offer inexpensive ad space where campus causes can get the word out to students easily and respectfully.
And this is not just the case for our publication–all of Concordia’s booths face the same issue: a total disregard for reserved space.
The booths are not there for just anyone to use. Please, respect the space of Concordia’s different publications. Use the allotted spaces to distribute pamphlets, ads, and announcements. As for your trash, it goes without saying that everyone should take those extra three steps and put trash in recycling or garbage bins.