Baroness – Purple

Baroness – Purple (Abraxan Hymns, 2015)

Heavy metal is grounded in dramatic ideas and hyperbolized lyricism. When these core elements are manifested in a conceptualized format, the end-result can project unwavering passion. These nods are decidedly woven throughout Baroness’ latest output, Purple. Face-melting solos and dynamic fretwork run the gamut of the record, but frequent listens can reveal other embellishments, including lurid new-wave synths. While its towering breadth remains intact, Purple’s perfectly enunciated lyrics exude disillusionment. The record operates in colours; each component at play radiates its own singular hue. Baroness’ bulletproof power chords conjure integral metal sensations like a warm glow (red) or an electric shock (blue). Purple borders between red and blue, as though it’s on the fringes of scalding fire and bitter cold.

Trial Track: “Kerosene”


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