Green Day – Revolution Radio (Reprise Records, 2016)
Green Day’s twelfth highly-anticipated studio album, Revolution Radio, sounds a lot like a sequel to 21st Century Breakdown (2009). It’s as though the experimental touch we heard in the band’s ¡Uno!, ¡Dos!, ¡Tré! trilogy (2012) has been abandoned in favour of a return to Green Day’s typical, personalized pop-punk genre. You’ll hear the kind of songs that made both 21st Century Breakdown and American Idiot (2004) the successful albums they became: political themes that call for change or songs about personal experiences, matched with quick-paced beats and carefully executed guitar riffs. However, it isn’t a rock opera—just a bunch of songs that sound good together. As a fan, it’s nice to hear the band go back to that simplicity—maybe it doesn’t have the raw, dirty sound of Dookie (1994) or Insomniac (1995) that so many miss and crave, but Revolution Radio managed to remind the audience of the band’s roots, without sounding worn out. The record still brings novelty to Green Day’s repertoire, something fans have been waiting for since 2012.
Trial track: “Say Goodbye”