Lupe Fiasco – Drogas Light

Lupe Fiasco – Drogas Light (1st & 15th Entertainment, 2017)

The album’s opening track, “Dopamine,” is ironically missing it. Its monotone bassline and average hook are a disappointing opener for an artist like Lupe Fiasco. This leaves a bad impression on the whole album. Lupe Fiasco used to have his own distinct style and sound in previous tracks, such as “Hip Hop Saved My Life,” “Superstar” and “Shining Down.” However, you won’t hear any of his old-school charm on this album. In Drogas Light, Lupe Fiasco sounds like your generic rapper trying to sound like Drake. The lyrics are shallow and revolve around booze, drugs and honeys. His song “Promise” sounds like a replica of Drake’s “Steeze.” It’s so obvious that it makes you wonder why would someone copy another rapper’s style and call it their own? His track “Made in the USA” is definitely not making America any better with its generic beat and over-repeated chorus. This album fell flat like tap water.

Trial Track: “Promise”



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