Anna of the North – Lovers (Different Recordings, 2017)
On Anna Lotterud’s debut album, Lovers, she harkens back to an era of pop music she couldn’t possibly remember, given her young age. Still, the singer’s acute admiration for the genre allows her to form her own chapter in its history. The soft sounds from the soul-bearing, electro-pop singer-songwriter emanate a nostalgia of the 80s and 90s that has been badly reproduced as of late. Nothing on Lovers truly disappoints or feels out of place. “Baby” is haunting and simple, setting the record up perfectly. The soft sounds and synth pleasure of this unmissable debut offers just enough for Ibiza-ready remixes, successfully bringing the 80s to 2017. “Someone” is the track to focus on, combining the disco melody of Boy Meets Girl’s “Waiting for a Star to Fall” and the drum beats of what could be an M83 track. It perfectly marries the two and gives a glimpse at Lotterud’s artistry.
Trial Track: “Someone”