After a spike in COVID-19 cases, Montreal takes precautions
On Sunday, Health Minister Christian Dubé announced that due to the rise in COVID-19 cases — 462 on Sunday, the highest number since May — Montreal, Quebec City and other surrounding “orange zones” are being asked to respect stricter COVID restrictions.
“The number of cases is increasing, outbreaks are multiplying and our capacity to treat the sick is decreasing,” said Dubé in a press conference Sunday. This means many things for the day-to-day operations of Montrealers:
- Indoor gatherings are limited to six people at a time, down from 10. More than six people may gather if they come from two families or less.
- Bars and restaurants are to stop serving alcohol at 11 p.m. rather than 12 a.m., and must close at 12 a.m. rather than 1 a.m. A maximum of six people may be seated at the same table, also down from 10.
- Outdoor gatherings are down from 250 to 50 people across most of the province. Orange zones, like Montreal, are down to 25 people.
What this means: stay home! Now is not the time for going out and catching up. Social distancing is more important now than ever if we want to avoid confinement.
Horacia Arruda, a Quebec health public officer, added at the press conference, “I don’t want to be in a bad situation (at) Christmastime because we haven’t done what we’re supposed to do.”
Graphic by @sundaeghost