Don’t forget to take care of yourself during this stressful time
End of semester is upon us, and it’s pretty much dreadful for anyone you talk to. Things are piling up and it seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
According to the organization Mental Health Partners, there are nine decompressing techniques that could help anyone get through tough times.
While some enjoy going on a hike outdoors, others would rather decompress through meditation and deep breathing. Or even just simply talking it out with family and friends could make the world of difference.
In my personal opinion, the best techniques that work for me are exercising, taking a day off, and reading.
I am not the most active person out there, but with the weather getting nicer I have been finding walks really help channel my stress. I feel that while I’m walking I am not thinking about what schoolwork I need to do next. Instead, I am just focused on my surroundings. My boyfriend and I like to name out all the different models of cars that we spot while out walking.
Even though some decompressing techniques might work for me, I was curious as to which different decompressing techniques work for other Concordia students.
For those I spoke to, it seems like there is a wide variety of preferred decompressing coping mechanisms.
Adriana Gentile, a third-year journalism student, explains, “I often like to go outside and take a walk and do some breathing techniques. Also, listening to music helps me a lot.”
Jessica Laturnus, a third-year Irish studies student, says, “Sometimes it’s a movie, sometimes it’s a rain app. I find my rain app so useful when I have so many things to do. I have a hard time sleeping.”
This high-intensity time could result in a lack of sleep for some students, (okay a LOT of students). I personally could attest to that one.
Laturnus also explained that aside from her rain app, she finds ambient noise or white noise helpful for sleep.
During these last few weeks of crunch time, I would like to remind all my fellow peers out there that it’s okay to take things a little slower and not so rushed. One thing at a time and things will all work out.