Advice not to feel overwhelmed by the storm of deadlines.
It’s a line almost every university student has heard from their teacher: “I won’t drown you in work,” right before assigning 70 pages to read in under one week.
The beginning of the school year can feel like embarking on a journey in a lifeboat on rocky waves, especially if you’re in your first year and haven’t had the time to figure out what works for you yet. If you already feel lost at sea, here are my top six tips to help you manage your time more efficiently.
Write everything down.
Taking note of everything you have to do, school-related or not, will help you stay on track while still being present and enjoying the activities you participate in. If you need to write “eat” in your planner, do it! It’s one less thing you have to think about, and it frees up space in your brain.
Make use of free time-management apps.
My biggest tip to juggle the different aspects of your life is to use an app called Notion. You can find plenty of free Notion templates designed specifically for students online (on YouTube or on blogs). To coordinate your schedule with others (friends, teammates, family, or coworkers), download TimeTree; it’s my best friend when it comes to social life.
Have a weekly calendar as well as a monthly calendar.
Having a monthly overview of your life is convenient for knowing when your assignments are due or when your roommate is out of town. On the other hand, not only will a weekly calendar contain your deadlines, but you will also be able to adjust it depending on your to-do list, your free time, and, most importantly, your energy that day. You might consider turning to a digital planner like Google Calendar —– you can reorganize it more easily.
Block time slots.
“Finish reading report: one hour,” “Commute to work: 25 minutes,” “Go buy new equipment gear: two hours.” Plan your week according to how much time each task takes you. Check your planner before bed to know what your day will look like when you wake up. That way, you won’t lose time deciding what’s next on your agenda!
Know your limits.
For me, September feels more like a new beginning than New Year’s Day ever did. It’s a time of year when I feel unstoppable and want to say yes to everything I can. But since no one is secretly Wonder Woman, I advise learning to set boundaries for yourself. Beat the FOMO (fear of missing out), say no to going out when you would rather stay in, and decide on a clear stopping point at night. Pulling an all-nighter to catch up on your reading seems tempting, but find a specific hour when you close all university-related work and take some time for yourself.
Know your strengths (and your weaknesses!).
And most importantly, don’t conform to the mould; listen to your body. While societal expectations sometimes pressure you to get up and go to bed early, it might not fit your lifestyle. If you feel more productive at night, that’s when you should write that essay! Don’t try to wake up at 5 a.m. just because everyone tells you to — it’s okay not to be an early bird.