Concordia’s Sex & Self club prepares to launch bold, inclusive sex magazine

Students are invited to express themselves creatively on sex-related topics.
Graphic design for the promotion of the magazine. By Olivia Quintus-Bosz / Courtesy

Concordia’s Sex & Self club will launch its first-ever sex magazine in March 2025. The project, called Sex(Ed.), is overseen by Mikaela Barry and Olivia Quintus-Bosz, both new members of the club. 

“I got involved in Sex & Self because I felt like it appealed to my inner mission,” said Quintus-Bosz. “I’m from Texas, and sexuality is very taboo for the average Texan. I wanted to talk about it openly.”

The club’s mission is to create a safe space on campus for all students, especially visibly queer people. One of their most distinctive initiatives has been the Wellness Pantry

“When I heard about this club, I thought that if I were ever going to do something extra-curricular, this was it,” said Barry, a second-year sexuality major. 

The magazine is their newest project and will include photos, poems, essays, drawings, and anything else students submit that relates to their own definition of sex. 

“Whatever it means to students, whatever falls under the umbrella of sex for them, we are interested in,” said Barry. “It can just be a selfie you took with your friend where you think you look good or something you wrote in your journal.”

Barry and Quintus-Bosz both applied to take over the project, which started out as a vague idea. They brainstormed and found a concept with the help of their friend and fellow sexuality major, Jia Schofer, who is not an official club member but has been helping out with the magazine. Quintus-Bosz then started promoting the project on Instagram and took over the graphic design part on social media. 

“The goal for this magazine is to spark a conversation around sex that everyone can partake in and allow us to talk with people we are afraid to speak about sex to,” said Schofer.

The Sex(Ed.) team collaborates with a class of graphic design students who work on the magazine’s layout. Meanwhile, other members of the Sex & Self club are planning a vernissage for the launch of the project in March to promote the magazine and the students’ work. Entry will be free to any student who has contributed to the magazine.  

“We really want to feature the voices of the Concordia community,” said Barry. 

She adds that so far, the team has only received about 10 submissions, which was not a surprise as they are aware that what they are asking for is very vulnerable and personal.

“Still, sometimes when we are running out of steam, we will receive a new submission, which is always so beautiful and moving, and it gives us the motivation to finish the project,” explained Quintus-Bosz. 

The Sex(Ed.) team is still accepting submissions until Feb. 1.

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