World in brief

Top news of the week.
Archive graphic by Wednesday Ariel Laplante / The Concordian
Justin Trudeau said he’d step down. What happens now?

The Liberal Party (LPC) will elect a new leader on March 9. The LPC leader could be prime minister until federal elections in October … unless Parliament wants a national vote sooner. A lot can change in 10 months, but recent polling suggests Conservatives could win in the fall.

Montreal mayoral race

Valérie Plante, head of Projet Montréal, will not seek another term as city mayor. On March 15, Projet Montréal is expected to elect a new leader to compete in fall elections. It’s still unclear who the other candidates for city mayor will be. Election night will be in November. 

Climate milestone

Scientists have confirmed that 2024 was the hottest year on record. 2023 also beat previous records. Earth’s average temperature also exceeded 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels, an indicator of poorer environmental outcomes and a threshold set by the Paris Agreement.

Measles outbreak

Quebec has also seen outbreaks in 2023 and 2024, but health officials are still concerned. If you’re vaccinated against measles, the risk of contracting it may be low. Symptoms include fever, cough, running nose, and red patches. In 1998, measles was considered eradicated in Canada, but unvaccinated individuals can lead to outbreaks. 

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