Credit card fraud, the split with Concordia University Television and an ongoing debate over how financial records should be reviewed were all issues addressed at the Concordia Student Broadcasting Corporation’s Annual General Meeting last Saturday.
Concerned staff and community members, students and donors attended an eight-hour long General Assembly to restructure Concordia University Television Saturday. The goal of the GA was to implement a legitimate set of bylaws and oversee the creation of a provisional Board of Directors.
Concordia University Television will hold a General Assembly this Saturday to establish a proper governance structure in an effort to move forward following weeks of instability.
Following weeks of legal troubles and a handful of resignations, members of Concordia University Television held a meeting to discuss how to move forward.
Because they do not posses status papers, the children of undocumented migrant workers cannot access public education, unless they pay a fee of $6,000, a whopper for most families.
The Concordia Student Union passed a motion on Wednesday to provide additional funding to both Juripop and Concordia University’s student television station.
The futures of Concordia University Television and campus radio station CJLO 1690 AM are in students’ hands this week.
The student-run media outlets are asking for students to approve an increase in their fee levy— the amount of funding they receive from students—to $0.34 per credit, in this week’s Concordia Student Union byelections.