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12 posts
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An ideological divide

The highly anticipated summit on higher education organized by the provincial government began Monday morning, where Premier Pauline…
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Stomping out the hike?

Concordia University announced that it will not be modifying the current tuition fee arrangement, which includes the increase tabled by the outgoing Liberal government, until it receives directives from the new Government of Quebec.
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CSU votes in solidarity with the FEUQ

Education Minister Line Beauchamp announced an offer to speak with the FEUQ and the Fédération étudiante collègiale du Québec Sunday, after the FEUQ requested an independent government commission to investigate university management.
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Students take to streets of Sherbrooke

Students bused in from across the province representing high schools, Cegeps and universities which have been protesting the $1625 tuition increases over the next five years.
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Quebec students set to strike March 22

MONTREAL (CUP) — After a day-long meeting on Jan. 21 in Quebec City, the Fédération étudiante universitaire du Québec (FEUQ) and the Fédération étudiante collégiale du Québec (FECQ) have reaffirmed the intention to strike on March 22 to protest rising university tuition fees.