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film review

64 posts
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Nowhere to go but down

If you imagine the film 8 ½ , but directed by Wes Anderson and with all the heart and soul stripped out of it, and with the cast and crew coked out of their minds, you would come close to understanding what it feels like to watch A Glimpse Inside The Mind Of Charles Swan III.
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A more humane method of food production

When it comes to food, the term ‘fruits of our labour’ arguably doesn’t often apply to the 21st century citizen. While places such as the Atwater Market showcase local produce during the summer months, it’s safe to assume that most Montrealers purchase their food at major chain supermarkets.
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The two sides of Alfred Hitchcock

Complete with “Hitchcock blondes” and the famous Psycho shower scene, the biopic Hitchcock premiered Nov. 30 at Cineplex Odeon Forum, allowing moviegoers a glimpse at the life of the mastermind behind the 1960 cult classic.
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I don’t wanna stop at all…or do I?

From the story of doomed lovers with a penchant for heroin, (think Heath Ledger and Abbie Cornish in Candy) to biopics of individuals who succumb to their addictions (Gia, Factory Girl), substance abuse is the subject that keeps on giving.
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The changing face of horror

Imagine seeing the face of the Frankenstein monster in theaters for the first time. Imagine that you were one of the first to see the haunting image of Dracula’s castle or hear the howl of the Wolf man. Those images, now so mundane, were at one point considered frightening.
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The battle for information

Every day, we are flooded with messages from a variety of media sources. How we process these messages counts in how we make decisions, form opinions and essentially live our lives.
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Action outside of the box

There is a moment of blessed relief when the older, Bruce Willis version of Joe tells his younger self, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt to shut up and stop talking about time travel.