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QUICKSPINS: 03 Greedo and Kenny Beats – Netflix & Deal

Paid In Full” is just one example of the fiery chemistry the rapper and producer have on the album; Greedo sounds at home. This is especially true on “Brad Pitt” where the entire song references the actor and his various roles. It certainly makes for some of the most creative lyrical content this year. 
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QUICKSPINS: Leonard Cohen – Thanks for the Dance

There are many standout moments on this album. Songs like “It’s Torn” and “The Goal” are Cohen’s gorgeous, ominous reflections on mortality. “The Night of Santiago” strongly displays his penchant for poetic storytelling, over lush, layered instrumentation. It’s moments like these that make this album feel like such a gift.
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QUICKSPINS: The Game – Born 2 Rap

Born 2 Rap is a perfect blend of the classic west-coast hip hop sound with a more laid back, jazz-influenced twist. The Game’s consistently well thought-out bars are an ideal addition to the diverse collection of truly musical production throughout the album. 
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QUICKSPINS: Tory Lanez – Chixtape 5

On Chixtape 5, Lanez and producer Play Picasso have put a tremendous amount of care into updating these classics to fit contemporary R&B conventions, while maintaining what makes them classics. The instrumentals range from slightly enhanced versions of the originals to completely new songs based around the samples. This is the first installment to include the original artists on a majority of these tracks, and it helps to take the series to the next level.
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QUICKSPINS: Hot Pink is hot fire

If Doja Cat is the leader of the new hip pop wave, then the subgenre is in good hands. She knows how to make a hit and how to make an album full of bops that aren’t boring, corny, or watered-down radio songs.
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On OOFIE, Wiki is expressing feelings of fear and doubt that we’ve never heard so openly in his music before. It’s an honest depiction of a teenage hip hop prodigy hitting his mid-20s, afraid that he might have also hit his ceiling. A sentiment that’s present throughout the album, though it’s almost paradoxical as he’s sharper than ever.