
Fighting tooth and nail against sexual assault

Is nail polish the answer to the rape culture epidemic?

Could a manicure prevent someone from being raped?

According to a group of undergraduate students from North Carolina State University, the answer is yes. They have perfected a clear coat nail polish which changes color when in contact with the most common types of date rape drugs (such as Rohypnol, Xanax and GHB). The invention, named Undercover Colors, is being heralded by the popular media as the best way to protect women. Others, however, warn that such an invention is born of a culture which does not understand rape and will ultimately blame the victim for the crime.

Rape, or sexual assault, is often thought of by the public as an act committed by mysterious strangers, sometimes with the aid of drugs. According to Julie Michaud, Administrative Coordinator for The Centre for Gender Advocacy, this perception is deeply flawed. Most cases of sexual assault are perpetrated by someone the survivor already knows and may only use alcohol to inhibit the victim. In such instances, the survivor is not likely to consider testing their drink or to find any drugs at all.

Undercover Colors nail polish, picture above, is said to help prevent sexual assault. Photo by Undercover Colors.

Even in a crowded bar, surrounded by strangers, such a detection system may be dodgy at best. It is unclear at present how elements such as wear and tear will affect the nail polish or how long it will work after the initial application. This product may end up working more due to the media coverage it has received rather than the ability to detect substances. A woman tipping her finger into her drink is not a very subtle gesture and may serve as a deterrent.

Unfortunately and realistically, what this does is train rapists to adapt and evolve as well. Michaud points out that the nail polish will probably cause drug producers to find new drugs which cannot be detected. Although this may take several years, it undoubtedly will happen. In the interim, predators will simply monitor the actions of their victim more closely.

Further, such a media stir will ultimately place the responsibility of sexual assault on the survivor. Society’s message to women is to “make sure the perpetrator targets someone who isn’t you,” according to Michaud. If someone is raped, the question becomes more about why they were not wearing the right nail polish, dressing modestly, or participating in any number of activities portrayed as preventing such behavior. Such a stance ignores the fact that a predator will select a new target, or find way to circumvent any protective measures taken in order to impose their will upon another.

No one doubts the good intentions of the team that invented Undercover Colors, its portrayal as the best defense against rape is deeply flawed. The issue is not the invention, but rather the way our society understands sexual assault.

Michaud summarizes the current situation well: “Amazingly, we almost never hear about innovations to teach people not to rape such as creating a comprehensive sex and consent education program in all elementary and high schools, or implementing mandatory consent workshops in universities, workplaces, and other organizations.”

As much as society interprets it as otherwise, the main problem with cases of sexual assault is not what the survivor didn’t do, but what the rapist did do.


Rape culture in our own backyard

Sparks are flying in India after the country was left in shock and disgust following the gang rape, brutal beating and subsequent death of a young Indian student.

Many are quick to criticize India and its so-called rape culture, yet they seem to forget that this mentality isn’t sedentary, it travels far and wide. It isn’t one country’s problem — it’s our problem as well.

Let’s take a look at North America. One in six American women and one in 33 men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime, according to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network.

According to a 2004 Statistics Canada General Social Survey, only one in 10 women report sexual assault to the police. Why? The same survey states 58 per cent of women thought it wasn’t important enough.

Now tell me, what backwards society do we live in where a sexually assaulted female is conditioned to believe that what happened to her is “not important enough?”

I’ll answer my own question.

A society filled with victim blaming and slut-shaming from both genders that makes me cringe. A society filled with those who claim a woman is “asking for it” by the way she dresses. There is no way to invite rape because the opposite of rape is consent.

It’s where we see examples of children who become sexual offenders. According to an article published in The Telegraph last year, a slew of elementary school students were arrested in the United Kingdom for sexual assault and “suspected rape.”

It’s a culture desensitized to such a brutal act of power and control that we don’t even realize how pervasive it is. Where pornography glorifies rape, and the media portrays violence as sexy and sex as violent.

It’s a society where young women have to worry about walking home after supper, putting up with drivers slowing down to catcall and shout out profanities.

It’s a country where a Canadian woman is sexually assaulted every 17 minutes, according to the Justice Institute of British Columbia.

Julie Michaud, an administrative coordinator for the 2110 Centre for Gender Advocacy, believes that a real tolerance has blossomed towards people trivializing rape.

“The fact that rape and sexual assault are unfortunately much more common than they should be doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be seen as a big deal,” she said.

It isn’t just bad people who rape. We like to cast villains in life to make things simpler, but in most cases it’s the people we trust. While women are standing up, men also play a large role in making change.

“It’s not enough to be a guy that doesn’t sexually assault, they need to take an active role,” said Michaud.

I don’t want to raise my future children in such a small-minded and frankly dangerous culture. I want them to be open and free, and not worry about their innocence being stolen. We cannot put all the blame on our justice system for not being tough enough while we sit back and breed these characters.

So, don’t put up with the demeaning comments and remarks. Don’t encourage the trivialization of a severe issue. Don’t be so smug when criticizing other countries for their shortcomings. Promote respect and healthy relationships. Enough is enough.

The Gender Advocacy Centre is campaigning for a Sexual Assault Centre for victims of abuse. If interested in volunteering, visit

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