
The yuletide and joy of Christmas past

The holiday season: loved by most children, and dreaded by many adults. As we’ve gotten older, the holidays just don’t feel the same. People may sometimes get excited over the snow and gifts, but it’s not quite as magical as it once seemed to be.

The winter wonderland fantasy, for one, has lost its appeal. When you’re young, you always look forward to that first big snowfall. You knew that with that snowfall came the snowmen, snow angels, forts, ice skating and a nice cup of hot cocoa when you finally retreated back into the house.

Graphic by Jenny Kwan

If you were really lucky, you may even have had a snow day. We always heard our parents complaining about the weather, but we never understood how anybody could possibly hate this beautiful season. That is, until we grew up.

The snowmen and snow angels have been replaced with shovelling, and for those with cars, have been replaced with the dreaded driving conditions.

It leads people to become more and more aware of soggy socks and frost-bitten toes every year. Let’s not even get started on how the wind dries up the skin. We never noticed these things as rambunctious youngsters, but now it’s all many people think about.

Sure, it’s possible to appreciate the beauty of our city covered in a white blanket, but there is a limit. At least we can still warm up with a nice cup of hot cocoa, give or take a few shots of Baileys.

Christmas itself isn’t quite the same either. During my childhood, I would lay in bed, practically shaking with excitement on Christmas morning. Nothing seemed more exciting than getting up on Dec. 25 and waking up everybody in the house at the crack of dawn.

After months of anticipation (for those of us who eagerly prepared our Christmas list before the air even had a chill), we finally got to see what Santa Claus brought for us.

Nowadays, it’s not unlikely to lay awake in bed worrying about our Christmas shopping or dreading our family get-togethers.

The illusion of Santa has also long been shattered. We now know that it was our parents who waited for us to fall asleep to hide our presents under the tree. There is now the stressful responsibility of buying presents for everybody else—something we never had to worry about as children.

While we may no longer jump out of bed at the crack of dawn, it is still fun to see what we got. Let’s be real, a present is a present. Child or adult, it is still exciting to be showered with gifts. It may not have the same feeling of glee as the old days, but who can complain?

Adults and children may not perceive the holidays the same way, but that doesn’t mean growing up leaves nothing to look forward to. As cheesy as it sounds, now that we’re adults, we’re able to enjoy what’s truly important: family, friends, and the spirit of giving.

When we were kids, all we wanted was to open our presents and play in the snow. Now, we get to be the ones who spread the excitement, whether to our younger family members or within our community. Isn’t that enough?

If the feeling of spreading joy doesn’t warm your tiny Grinch-like heart, just remember one thing: now that we’re legal, we can have a lot more fun at holiday parties.


Trainwrecks and comeback kids in the music industry

Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Amy Winehouse, Eminem, Demi Lovato. What do these very different artists all have in common? They all have had to deal with their personal struggles in front of the entire world and people still rooted for their triumphant return. Although it didn’t work out for all of them, the public wanted to see them succeed. But wasn’t it us who tore them down in the first place?

Flickr photo by user tm_10001

It seems to be a familiar theme in the music industry: young artists arrive on the scene, fresh and full of life with promising careers ahead of them. They soar to the top of the charts, until they come crashing down. They start acting out, doing drugs, or making offensive comments. The people who helped them get to the top now become the ones who kick them when they’re down. People start to see them differently. Whitney Houston, once known to be one of the greatest talents of her generation, was reduced to being just another crackhead. Michael Jackson, hailed as the King of Pop, became known as the plastic surgery-addicted pedophile. Britney Spears, once America’s Sweetheart, shaved her head and was labeled as crazy.  The list of celebrities gone wild could go on forever.

Our society puts these artists on a pedestal and as soon as they show signs of being flawed individuals, they feel the need to take them down a notch. Tabloids have created an entire industry by speculating on which star will crumble next, and audiences love it. You have to admit that we’ve all taken a few hits at the troubled celebrity of the week just to get a laugh at least once in our lives.

So why do we love a comeback so much?

“With a comeback story there’s always a chance of the artist making a complete fool of themselves,” said Concordia student Michelle Lee. “We all love to watch someone crash and burn every once in a while.”

Unfortunately, that couldn’t be more true. We’re the ones who pushed these artists to their breaking points in the first place, so why wouldn’t we want to see them fail again? Are we so messed up that we are entertained by other people’s lives falling apart?

On the other hand, not everyone sees it that way. It’s also an opportunity for fans who have stuck by the artist through everything to prove their dedication and show that “their support was not in vain,” as Dawson College student and aspiring singer Chelsea Cameron puts it.

“A comeback story shows resilience and staying power in a cutthroat, competitive, and ever-evolving industry that thrives on the next, new thing.”

The worst part of this phenomenon is what comes afterwards.There are three possible outcomes: an artist can successfully pull through the dark times to once again come out on top, allowing everyone to forget their troubled pasts; an artist can attempt to make a successful comeback, but be stuck with the harsh stigmas that their past indiscretions have branded them with; and then there’s the unlucky artist that doesn’t get a chance at a second win and gives in to the pressures of life in the limelight, leaving us much too early.

Regardless of why we love them, sometimes there’s truly nothing better than a successful comeback. We may get a sick sense of satisfaction from watching people crash and burn, but in the end, we love to see them succeed, too. To witness a musician you love bounce back from a trying few years can be both empowering and heart-warming. They’re standing up in front of the entire world, saying “I’m back and stronger than ever.” It may be strange that we root for their demise, yet cheer for their success, but really, what could be better than a happy ending?


Petitioning for a transgender Victoria’s Secret Angel

Victoria’s Secret is known for its extravagant annual fashion show, its skimpy underwear and its ability to skyrocket a model’s career, thrusting the likes of Heidi Klum, Tyra Banks and Gisele Bündchen to supermodel status. Could an online petition make a transgender woman the famous lingerie brand’s next breakout star?

Graphic by Jennifer Kwan

Earlier this month, a petition was created on urging Victoria’s Secret to hire transgender model and performer Carmen Carrera as its first ever transgender Angel. The petition states: “By asking Carmen to be a model, Victoria’s Secret would show the entire community that they embrace trans patrons.” The petition has gained an outpouring of support after being featured everywhere from Cosmopolitan to CNN.

Carmen Carrera, born Christopher Roman, rose to fame in 2011 after appearing on the popular show RuPaul’s Drag Race. In 2012, fans followed her through her transition from Christopher to Carmen, when she began pursuing the body she felt was the right one.

She has been featured in fashion spreads in W Magazine, walked in runway shows, and appeared on several television programs. After discovering the online petition, Carrera took to her Facebook page to express her gratitude.

“I just want to take a moment to say WOW,” she wrote. “In less than a day the signature count has gone from a few hundred to almost 10,000! I’m amazed! And just to make it clear, this petition is not to force [Victoria’s Secret] to do anything. It’s to prove that the world is ready for change and possibilities are endless!”

The petition has since received nearly 41,000 signatures. The company has yet to make a statement—but will it embrace the idea?

After all, Carrera is no amateur, she recently strutted her stuff on the runway for Marco Marco’s show at Los Angeles Fashion Week. She’s not one to shy away from nudity either. She regularly shares candid revealing pictures on her Instagram page and wears nearly nothing during her stage shows. She’s also the star of a new short-film by famed fashion photographer Steven Meisel entitled Showgirl.

However, not everyone is as supportive of the idea. Some people have a hard time accepting the idea of a trans women, many believe that if she was born a male, then she’s a man. A Montreal Gazette blogger also argued that “[Carrera] should be given the same consideration for Victoria’s Secret other women might get. She should not get special treatment because she transitioned.” There’s bound to be negative repercussions surrounding such a controversial issue but any publicity is good publicity, right?

If Victoria’s Secret fashion show producers were smart, they would at least consider hiring Carrera. Not only would it attract huge publicity for this year’s fashion show, scheduled to air on Dec. 10, but it would also pave the way for the rest of the fashion industry.

Having a transgender model and LGBT activist like Carrera featured in its show may just be the perfect thing to keep the brand fresh and exciting, something the company surely strives for year after year.

A transgender model being cast in a Victoria’s Secret fashion show would not only be a huge statement, but would also send a message to other trans people who feel like they are underrepresented in the media.

So why not, Victoria’s Secret? Pave the way and make a change.



Pop princesses play-off on the charts

Katy Perry. Photo from Flickr.

There’s a war underway in Hollywood.

If you pay any attention to the pop music scene, you probably already know that Britney Spears, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga are all releasing highly-anticipated albums over the next few months. This has caused passionate fans on sites like Twitter and Tumblr to start pitting the artists against each other.

But it’s not a competition…or is it? Britney and Gaga have been out of the music scene recently. Their last albums, Femme Fatale and Born This Way, respectively, came out in 2011. Katy, on the other hand, has had the pressure of following up her double platinum-selling album Teenage Dream, which spawned five Billboard Hot 100 number one singles since its release in 2010.

It’s difficult to predict who will come out on top. If the success of the lead singles and the early reviews are any indication of how the albums will sell, Katy’s album Prism will prevail.

The lead single “Roar” skyrocketed to the top of the iTunes charts after its release and went on to become her eighth Billboard Hot 100 number one single. Gaga’s “Applause” and Britney’s “Work Bitch,” on the other hand, both struggled to reach the top of the charts.

“Roar” doesn’t bring anything new to the table, but its empowering and catchy lyrics have made it an instant hit. However, the various promotional singles and song previews from Prism show that Katy’s experimenting with a new sound. Critics and fans alike have been praising the gritty trap beats used in “Dark Horse.” Meanwhile, “Walking On Air” is a ‘90s-inspired electronic dance track that is sure to be blowing up speakers in clubs around the world.

Nonetheless, we shouldn’t rule out Britney. Though she has not given fans much insight, this album is reportedly her most personal one yet. The lead single “Work Bitch” is a club-smasher that sounds unlike anything she’s ever released. She’s working with singer-songwriter Sia Furler on a song that is “both beautiful and heartbreaking” and “evokes SO much emotion,” she said on Twitter in August. She’s brought several other new songwriters into the mix, including Emeli Sandé and Charli XCX. If that’s any indication of how her album will sound, we should prepare ourselves for a diverse and unique assortment of songs.

Lady Gaga’s Pokerface

Gaga’s new music, on the other hand, leaves something to be desired. At the iTunes Festival in September, she premiered seven new songs from her album ARTPOP, including “Swine,” “Aura,” and “Manicure.” The songs show growth as an artist for Gaga, featuring a mix of genres ranging from hip-hop to electronic. However, they simply don’t have the instant impact that past hits like “Just Dance” and “Telephone” boasted.

The real competition seems to be between Katy and Britney. However, Gaga’s passionate Little Monsters will definitely put up a good fight to get her to number one.

This may be one of the biggest pop music showdowns in years. Not since Christina Aguilera and Britney’s rivalry back in the early 2000s has there been such competition for the top of the pop charts amongst female artists.

Prism is due out on Oct. 22,  ARTPOP on Nov.11 and Britney’s currently unnamed album is out Dec. 3.


Confessions of a 20-something #3

Let’s get one thing straight: don’t waste time on anybody who thinks they’re too good for pop music. And don’t be ashamed of anything you like.

Over the years, I’ve received a fair share of teasing for the music I listen to. Whether it was Britney Spears or Jedward, people always had something to say about it. One of the biggest problems people have is with liking anything that would be labeled “teeny bopper.” One Direction, Demi Lovato, or any other musical act associated with Disney are apparently off limits once you turn 16, and I never quite understood why.

If I’m being honest, my music tastes have basically not changed since I was about six-years-old. I may be an adult now, but that doesn’t mean my taste in music has to change completely.

In March of last year, One Direction made a stop at Musique Plus for an interview and performance. Streets had to be shut down because of the outrageous number of people outside the studio. My friends and I were part of that crazy crowd—I even skipped class to be there. The average age of the crowd was about 14-years-old. Meanwhile, my friends and I, for the most part, were over 18.

Please explain to me why we got more dirty looks than the other fans? Why should it matter that we’re older? We’re fans of One Direction too, and we were desperate to see them just like everybody else. For the next few days, whenever I mentioned to anyone that I had been there, they would laugh at me. Would it have been OK if I had been waiting outside for hours for a “cooler” band?

If you did a poll of what random people on the street were listening to, I guarantee you a lot of them would be too embarrassed to tell you. They would say it was their “guilty pleasure.”  I’ve decided to stop using that term because you shouldn’t feel guilty for liking any song. If it makes you feel good, and makes you want to dance around your room singing at the top of your lungs, no one should stop you.

Whether you’re listening to Taylor Swift or Arcade Fire, Selena Gomez or The Rolling Stones, embrace it. This is what makes you who you are, what sets you apart from everybody else. Individuality is a beautiful thing, don’t be ashamed. The content of somebody’s iTunes library does not give you the right to look down on them.

“Aren’t you a little old to be listening to that?”

That mentality is getting old.

We shouldn’t be self-conscious about our taste in music. If you like what you hear, that’s all that matters. I spent too long hiding the music on my iPod from prying eyes. Who cares if I have the entire Camp Rock soundtrack? I’m not ashamed! Do you hear that Miley Cyrus song blasting from my headphones? I hope you enjoy it.


Binge watching: We want all of TV now!

Imagine watching an entire series in just a couple of days. Impossible? Not anymore. With the popularity of Netflix and other free television streaming websites, people have the opportunity to skip the waiting time between episodes — and the commercials.

Photo from Flickr.

Back in the early days of TV, you had to be glued to your set on a specific day at a specific time to catch the newest episodes of your favorite show. And if you missed it, you were out of luck. Unfortunately, not all of us have time to be stuck to our TVs. But nowadays, that’s no excuse, the Internet is filled with video streaming websites with basically every TV show or movie you’d want to watch (and plenty that you wouldn’t). With PVRs, you can record multiple shows at a time, and spend an idle weekend catching up on everything you’ve missed.

Don’t have a PVR? Too lazy to Google where to watch your favorite show? Well then you can turn to Netflix. For those of you living under a rock for the last few years, Netflix is a video streaming service available online through any device connected with WiFi and requiring a small fee for unlimited access to movies and TV shows. Now you can choose your show, sit back and watch as many episodes as are available to you.

In 2012, The New York Times published a story about how How I Met Your Mother’s seventh season had the best ratings the series had ever seen. Coincidentally, the earlier seasons of the series had just become available for instant streaming on Netflix. The show hadn’t necessarily gotten better, the people who were too busy to watch it before could suddenly catch up and tune in.

The popularity of the company has even allowed it to expand its market from movies and TV shows, to producing their own original content. Shows like Orange Is The New Black and House of Cards are both Netflix originals that have gained immense popularity. After being cancelled in 2006, Arrested Development was revived for a fourth season exclusively on Netflix due to the huge demand from fans and both House of Cards and Arrested Development garnered multiple Emmy nominations this year.

Is this the way of the future, or are we just getting lazy? Either way, this just goes to show that in today’s fast-paced world, people will find ways to make anything more efficient. We get busy, and we want to watch our shows whenever we have the time. If that means having to squeeze one whole season into one day, then that’s what we’ll do. Who knows, maybe one day TV schedules will be a thing of the past and our beloved shows will be available to us whenever it’s convenient. All we know is that we want our shows and we want them now, and we’d prefer a whole season in one sitting.


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