Music Quickspins

Wolf Alice – Visions of a Life

Wolf Alice – Visions of a Life (Dirty Hit, 2017)

Wolf Alice’s second album, Visions of a Life, is a bold, brave and brilliant effort. The Brit rockers have made a record so jaw-droppingly advanced that it is definitively a potential contender for album of the year. Following their 2015 debut, My Love is Cool, the group’s sophomore album is an effortless extension of their sound. The musicality displayed in each song has just the right combination of intricacy and immediacy. Wolf Alice grip onto their dirtier, nastier roots on “Yuk Foo” and “Formidable Cool.” Guitarist Joff Oddie’s riffage is tumbling and sleazy, while singer Ellie Rowsell savagely howls: “That’s all he fucking did when he fucked you on the floor!” Elevating the record from its grunge roots, “Don’t Delete the Kisses” is a standout track. The song, with its cinematic grace, is becoming an instant modern classic. With Visions of a Life, Wolf Alice have removed any doubt of their status in the UK music scene.

Trial Track: “Space & Time”



Anna of the North – Lovers

Anna of the North – Lovers (Different Recordings, 2017)

On Anna Lotterud’s debut album, Lovers, she harkens back to an era of pop music she couldn’t possibly remember, given her young age. Still, the singer’s acute admiration for the genre allows her to form her own chapter in its history. The soft sounds from the soul-bearing, electro-pop singer-songwriter emanate a nostalgia of the 80s and 90s that has been badly reproduced as of late. Nothing on Lovers truly disappoints or feels out of place. “Baby” is haunting and simple, setting the record up perfectly. The soft sounds and synth pleasure of this unmissable debut offers just enough for Ibiza-ready remixes, successfully bringing the 80s to 2017. “Someone” is the track to focus on, combining the disco melody of Boy Meets Girl’s “Waiting for a Star to Fall” and the drum beats of what could be an M83 track. It perfectly marries the two and gives a glimpse at Lotterud’s artistry.

Trial Track: “Someone”


Music Quickspins

Nothing But Thieves – Broken Machine

Nothing But Thieves – Broken Machine (RCA Records, 2017)

Modern society, mental health and the ever-growing navigation of the political landscape blend together in this outstanding second album from Nothing But Thieves. As a huge fan of this band, my expectations were high for their second record. Their newest album, Broken Machine, exceeded my expectations. Having already heard an eclectic mix of early-released tracks, from the head-pounding “Amsterdam” to the sorrow-filled vocals of “Sorry,” I was sold. The record is filled with political contempt and thoughts preoccupying restless minds. The vocals are raw, and with every performance, the band wears their hearts on their sleeve. The album is filled with a career-defining soul. Instant classic “Particles,” explores the many wonders of Conor Mason’s voice, only to be sent into a whirlwind with the closing tracks “Get Better” and “Number 13.” The album flows effortlessly and only edges Nothing But Thieves closer to world domination with their passionate guitar-based rock.

Trial Track: “Particles”



Music Quickspins

Everything Everything – A Fever Dream (RCA Records, 2017)

Since emerging in 2010, Everything Everything has formulated a way of writing songs uniquely and effectively, and their fourth studio album, A Fever Dream, is no different. The album’s forthcoming and cryptic sound reflects a concern with the modern human condition. This is due in part to the album’s politically driven lyrics, which display feelings of disillusionment with the world’s current political climate. Musically, however, there is a clear playfulness and restlessness that downplays the political undertones. Everything Everything is successful in always inventing new ways to twist and bend rock and electronic to create surprising sounds. A Fever Dream flows really well, sucking you in with the moody “Night of the Long Knives” and picks up tremendous pace with the catchy “Can’t Do.” If you want a good introduction to the band, have a listen to “Desire,” a foot-stomping track that has everything you’d expect from the monumental Everything Everything.


Trial Track: “Desire”



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