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Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec launches campaign to fight the eroticization of nursing

According to the OIIQ nurses, the imagery surrounding their profession around Halloween is scary

The Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ) launched a social media campaign last week asking Quebecers to think twice before leaving the house with a stereotypically-suggestive nurse costume this Halloween.

“The profession has evolved, but the stereotypes persist,” stated Luc Mathieu, president of the OIIQ, on the campaign’s webpage. “The choices offered in-store or online are scary! The eroticization of the profession is socially and professionally unacceptable. Nurses practice a scientific profession and their expertise must be better known and valued. It is time for perceptions to change.”

In a video posted to their Instagram page, the OIIQ presents the image of the classic nurse costume as nothing short of scary.

“It’s Halloween, you are looking for a nurse costume,” the video states. After a quick google search, a multitude of sexy nurse costumes pop up on screen, followed by the words: “It’s scary.”

The video then shows nurses in their more conventional scrubs, emphasizing that this attire gives them “a much more credible costume to value the profession.”

“Nurses take care of us, let’s take care of their image.”

The goal for this campaign is to ultimately make people abandon the fetishized nurse costume, and contribute to a more realistic image and perception of the profession.

With over 82,000 members, the OIIQ is the biggest professional order in the health sector of Quebec, representing the interests of nurses around the province.

The campaign will help protect and garner a respectful image of nurses in our province.

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