Student Life

Sexpo69—sex and its world

Educational and erotic—Concordia hosts second sex fair

Forty-eight years ago, Montreal’s Expo 67 welcomed nations from all four corners of the globe to teach its visitors about the world around them. On Feb. 12 and 13, for the second year, Concordia’s Sexpo69 will welcome sexperts from around the city for this highly-anticipated sexposé.

Hosted by ABACUS, AHSCA, BSA, COMS Guild, CUPA, and the JSA in the upper atrium of the SP building at Loyola campus, Sexpo69 will offer a veritable smorgasbord of sexy indulgences for its patrons, from Passion Parties sex toy sales (with demonstrations!), a spanking workshop with a dominatrix, appearances by Ms. Condom, and talks on consent and safe sex organized by Concordia Health Services, Queer Concordia, and the Centre for Gender Advocacy.

“We’re having the Gender Advocacy and Sexual Assault Resource Centre letting everybody know about the resources they have for preventing rape and what consent really is, and providing support for those who have been victims of non-consensual sex,” said Elizabeth Duong, CUPA President. “We’re doing everything from consent to fetishes and a dominatrix.”

If you are into something a little…ahem… harder, Alternative Lifestyles will be setting up a BDSM display, as well as doling out info on other fetishes and fittingly, alternative lifestyles.

On a similar note, Dr. Jim Pfaus, a Concordia professor at the Centre for Studies in Behavioural Neurobiology and his fetish lab students will host a talk on fetishes on Thursday at 1 p.m. Pfaus was recently lauded as the “Bill Nye of sex” by Playboy, for his work with exploring the relationship between sex and your brain. Basically, he can tell you what you (and mostly all ofus) want (what we really really want).

Alongside condoms, vibrators, cock rings, and roses (sold for $1 each for the last few romantics out there) Concordia fine arts students will be displaying nude paintings.

There will also be a raffle for some lucky students to win the gift that keeps on giving—a surprise goody bag from Passion Parties. For the unlucky ones, Passion Parties will still be giving out vouchers for 25 per cent off your next online purchase.

“People don’t need to be afraid to talk about sex,” said Duong. “The people who go to the Sexpo and already know about it already want to be there, it’s the people that are iffy about talking about sex that we’re targeting by having it in a high-traffic area where people will be walking by.”

So come once, twice, or as many times as you can handle from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 12 and 13 at the upper atrium of the SP building at Loyola campus.


Biology Student Association hosts Sexpo 69

For your enjoyment and education and just in time for Valentine’s Day, the Concordia Biology Student Association will present Sexpo 69, an event that aims to provide students with both fun and factual information on sexuality.

Photo by Keith Race

Set to take place on Feb. 12, the idea of Sexpo 69 was born out of the BSA’s desire to do something for students to mark the occasion of Valentine’s Day.

“Originally, we wanted to host something fun like a tea party, but we felt maybe it was a bit too girly,”said Rasha Al-Homsy, VP Internal for the BSA.

With the desire to create a fun event for both male and female students, their Valentine theme began to gear more towards sex than love.  Eventually the BSA team came to the conclusion that they wanted to provide Concordia students with information on sexuality and health services at Concordia, in addition to exploring a more fun side, which would look into fetishes and sex toys.

Highlighting the event will be guest speaker Dr. Jim Pfaus, a Concordia psychology professor whose research specializes in sexual behavior. Speaking at Sexpo 69 about his research on rats, Dr. Pfaus will explain how different fetishes and sexual preferences appeal to different people.

“We asked Dr. Pfaus to speak at our event because after working with him, we know he is not only down to earth but that he is very knowledgeable on the subject of sexuality and well known in the scientific community,” said Eva Fog, a member of the BSA.

Concordia Health Services, the Centre of Sexual Pleasure and Health, Queer Concordia and, Concordia’s Centre for Gender Advocacy,will each be hosting a booth in order to provide education and information on sexual health services. There will also be a fetish booth and a sex toy booth.

The sex toy booth will offer both information and options for purchasing.Should you wish to purchase a toy, the booth will be set up with forms where you can select the toy model you would like and set up a payment method so that your toy will be delivered to your home. This option is available to provide students with a bit more privacy, should they choose to make such a purchase.

The BSA in collaboration with the Association of Biochemistry And Chemistry Undergraduate Students (ABACUS), Communications Guild (COMS), Journalism Students Association (JSA) and Science College Student Associations (SCSA), welcomes students from all faculties to come and check out  Sexpo 69.

The event will be held in the basement of the SP building at Concordia’s Loyola Campus from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

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