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Are we Canada’s eerie city?

Montréal might not be Salem…but we’ve got spooky history too!

If you’re from North America, you probably associate Halloween with Salem, Massachusetts, right? That checks out—the Salem Witch Trials  are something we learn about in high school. Personally, I knew of the trials long before we began studying The Crucible in twelfth grade.

Growing up, my mum told me about all the ghoulish things she had experienced over the years—seeing ghosts, spirits, and visiting Salem in 1997. She told me about a re-enactment of a witch trial: “Actors would shout, ‘Hang the witches!’ and children would cry because it would be one of their moms.  Then if it was a girl born into that family  she would automatically be assumed to be a witch as well.” Is that not the coolest? 

Salem, established 1626, had experienced two decades of eerie events before Montréal was established in 1642. The settlers of  New France and New England were new to the land, new to the power that comes with imposing their beliefs, and new to the resulting threats—all of which naturally aroused a suspicious and ominous atmosphere. Rumours and paranoia contributed to the beginnings of the Salem Witch Trials in the spring of 1692. From today’s perspective, the backwards legacy of the trials makes for great  Halloween lore and makes Salem, as my mum can attest, an enthralling tourist attraction. 

So, did Montréal have witches? Honestly, who knows—and if we did, their fate would not have been similar to that of those in New England. At most, they’d have been banished. The closest we got were a few trials, notably that of Anne Lamarque who allegedly owned a book of magic and spells, but due to popular indifference, wasn’t convicted. 

The story surrounding Barbe Hallé is also popular, and one that Concordia history majors may have learned about in their lectures. While Hallé was not tried for being a witch, she did experience some pretty freaky stuff, such as demonic visions and paranoia, which led her to move to l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, run under a French canoness named Catherine de Saint-Augustin. Under the care of religious figures, many episodes and supposedly an exorcism later, Hallé eventually returned to normal, and that was the end of that. So I guess you could say that Montréal, and New France overall, did not succumb to the witch paranoia that New England did. We had our own problems.

I think we’ve all taken a nightly stroll around old Montréal, especially Rue Saint Paul, the oldest street in the city. It’s said that many apparitions come to life on Rue Saint Paul, notably the ghost of an enslaved woman, Marie-Joseph Angélique, who was accused of arson with the burning of 45 houses and a hospital along Rue Saint Paul, tortured and hanged in 1734. Many say that her ghostly figure roams the street, seeking revenge for her execution. 

If you’ve braved the set of stairs up and over the old Champ de Mars military parade ground to get to Old Montréal, you’ve definitely walked through Place Vauquelin. Trapped beneath that beauty, is something a bit darker: the first Montréal Prison, which housed some pretty atrocious prisoners who were publicly executed. Now, all that remains are old cells beneath the square. City workers avoid the old dungeon because of a sense of claustrophobia, fear, and dread. Cold spots, muffled sounds, and disembodied voices are reported frequently. Though it is hard to identify who may be haunting the ruins, the cold spots could be the pleads of John Collins, a drifter who froze to death in 1835. Disembodied voices could be remnants of Adolphus Dewey’s prayers: Dewey murdered his wife by slashing her wrists and throat with a razor, while  his own death was prolonged because his neck didn’t snap when he was hanged. 

I could not do this article justice without mentioning our mountain overlooking Montréal: the enchanting Mont Royal which is home to two cemeteries, Mount Royal and Notre-Dame-des-Neiges. One thing is certain, nothing is more haunting than a cemetery. In terms of the former, it has been reported that just after sunset, shadowy figures begin roaming the graveyard and lingering on its bluffs. Strange noises and paranormal activity are frequent, and ghostly images are often captured by ghost hunters. Our “main character” ghost? Supposedly an Algonquin warrior who frequently looks, with sorrowful and vengeful eyes, out over the cliffs to the city below. 

It’s interesting how places that are considered touristy and beautiful may have such a dark history. And I sincerely hope that you, the reader, learned an eerie thing or two from this piece. Maybe you’ll think of what’s really beneath Place Vauquelin the next time you hike up those steps.

Student Life

The magic behind witchcraft

Modern-day witchcraft is alive and practiced more than we might think. Across Montreal, there are stores, schools, workshops, and more, that are dedicated to witchcraft and all its branches. Nowadays, the practice has been somewhat glorified with the popularity of shows like Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Charmed, and The Good Witch. Twentieth century witchcraft is far different than what it was back in the 1300s, but for those practicing witchy-religions like Wicca, it is no joke, nor purely aesthetic. 

Witchcraft has a deep-rooted history, widely known because of the dark and devastating events of the past. Take the Salem Witch Trials, for example. According to an article on, they occurred in Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693. Over 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft, thought of as “the Devil’s magic,” and 20 people were executed.

According to historians on History4everyone’s website, the witchcraft craze extended from the 1300s to the late 1600s. Fearful and paranoid Christians believed the Devil gave people known as witches the power to harm others and cast evil spells. Historians estimate that, between the 16th and 17th centuries, over 100,000 people were prosecuted and over 40,000 were executed.

According to the same source, in the Middle Ages, the Christian Church was anxious about rebellion; new heresies (branches of Christianity) and printing information among the elites increased this paranoia. Over 80 per cent of victims were women and the suspicion of witchcraft often aligned with characteristics of being older, widowed or single, and poor. During the witch trials, the accused that were “tempted by the devil” would go through a list of elements that would “prove” to the judge that they were, in fact, a witch. Some of the elements would include an unnatural way of travel, odd behaviour, etc. The accused were subject to torture to elicit information/confessions. This would result in the victim inventing stories just to stop the pain.

Charme & Sortilège is a witchcraft store that has been catering to Montreal witches and the curious for over 20 years. Kim, who didn’t want to give her last name, is a witch and the director of communications at the store. She said it took a few years before their products were of a quality standard to sell to White Magic practitioners.

“After multiple tests in dowsing, we were able to establish that the majority of these products did not undergo any energetic manipulation and had not received the “charge” a practitioner would expect,” she said. This created an issue that can still be seen today in various stores, where fake items are sold with the idea that they will help you practice witchcraft.

“[The items] were all just ordinary items, often sloppy, and adorned with esoteric names designed for quick resale to customers more superstitious than the “connaisseur” with knowledge and needs,” said Kim. Their 600 products are “dedicated, lustrated, invested, consecrated, sanctified, energized, and prepared according to methods of High Hermetic Magic mostly with certain Druidic, Shamanic, and Alchemical additions for some.”

Most common witchcraft practitioners are Wiccan, a religion that focuses on the Spirit that exists in everything. According to the Wicca website, Wiccans celebrate the cycles of the moon, sun and seasons, and try to find harmony within nature and universal energy.

There are different paths and traditions a witch can choose from, like Druidism, Shamanism, and so on. For Kim, being a witch is a way of life.

“It’s a way of being, feeling and reacting to everything that surrounds us,” she said. Some witches start their days with meditations, others light candles and incense, some choose to do Tarot or Oracle readings, and so on. “A Witch’s spirituality is beautiful in that way — we are free to practice the way we feel is right for us, as long as nobody gets hurt along the way.”

According to Kim, Charme & Sortilège has seen an increase in popularity and/or interest in witchcraft. “Maybe it’s because of the movies, TV series, books,” said Kim. “But also, I find that more and more people are searching for spiritual answers outside of the ‘normal institutionalized spiritualities/religions.’”

There’s also an important distinction between the francophone and anglophone communities.

“A lot of practitioners in the french community are solitary practitioners and more practitioners in the english community are forming circles and groups,” said Kim. “We’re working very hard to unite the community and unite the practitioners.” Charme & Sortilège offers workshops, monthly full moon celebrations, and more.

Despite the increased popularity, the witch community is still working to combat untrue claims about their practice. According to the Wicca website, witchcraft is not a cult, Wiccans do not worship Satan or consort with Demons, they do not sacrifice animals or humans, witches do not “steal or control the life force of another to achieve mystical or supernatural powers” and they do not use forces of nature to “hex or cast spells on others.” These false claims are a direct result of fears from the past and those who practice black magic, which Wiccans do not associate with.

According to Wicca, “witches have a very strict belief in the Law of Three, which states that whatever we send out into our world shall return to us three fold, either good or bane.”


Graphic by @sundaeghost


Magic: Is it just a bunch of hocus pocus?

Concordia witches explain their faith, Halloween and the supernatural

Geena Papini is just like any other Concordia student. As a communication studies major, she goes to school, does her homework and hangs out with friends. You may have walked past her many times, but there’s one detail you would not be able to gauge by simply looking at her—she is a witch.

“I do practice magic,” Papini said. “Many people think of Harry Potter when they hear ‘magic’ and, while it would be so cool if I could turn a teacup into a mouse, that’s not the kind of magic witches are referring to when they talk about their practice.”

Witchcraft means different things to different people. It can be either a spiritual expression from a variety of religions, or a secular practice performed without religion. According to Papini, it is a customizable craft.

“Witchcraft, to me, is a way to be in touch with the universe, the earth and myself. It is something I came to out of curiosity and out of a desire for spirituality that wasn’t rooted in a specific, rigid religious practice,” Papini said. “For some people, it is a structured thing, following rituals and ceremonies that are passed down from one practitioner to another.”

Witchcraft, when practiced as a part of paganism, is often referred to as Wicca.

“I don’t consider myself Wiccan,” Papini said. “I think there is a misconception that to be a witch, you must be Wiccan. This isn’t true. There are many secular witches who do not incorporate the religion into their practice. There are [also] many pagans who do not consider themselves witches.”

Photo by Alex Hutchins

According to, Wicca is a nature religion that acknowledges the cycles of nature, the lunar phases and the seasons. For many Wiccans, witchcraft is a spiritual system. While witches do hold rituals and brew potions, their craft mostly involves healing and natural remedies. For them, witchcraft is not a cult—they do not worship Satan, consort with demons, sacrifice animals or people, or use their craft to ‘hex’ or cast spells on others.

“None of us have sold our souls to Satan,” Papini said. “I promise.”

Another Concordia student who identifies as a witch is Raken Howell-Slater. Howell-Slater is Wiccan. She specifically identifies as a hearth witch, which, according to her, means most of her magic is intended to make people feel comfortable and happy in her home.

“I work with internal energies and call on elements [as well as] my Gods and Goddess for help when I need them,” Howell-Slater said. “I deal with mental illness, and I find my faith extremely helpful in combatting it.”

Howell-Slater said she had her first spiritual experience when she was 12 years old.

“I was walking in the woods when I went into a trance state and felt an extreme sense of peace, power, connection and emotion,” Howell-Slater said. “My first taste of something transcendental.”

She began to look into paganism when she was 18. When she first began studying at Concordia, she became involved with the Concordia University Pagan Society (CUPS) to meet other pagans.

“It’s really nice to hang out with a group of people who you don’t have to explain terminology or justify your beliefs to,” Howell-Slater said. “I think it’s still finding its feet, but the group definitely has a lot of potential and is a great place for curious people to get resources or answers.”

According to CUPS’s vice-president Bree Stuart, approximately half of their members are Wiccan and many of them practice witchcraft or magic on their own time. She said most of the witchcraft practiced by pagans revolves around lighting candles, burning herbs or laying out offerings. As for Stuart herself, she said she has always felt a pull towards the supernatural.

“There are few events and places in Montreal where pagans can practice their spirituality and faith, therefore we try to accommodate the broad spectrum of Pagan faiths to make sure that everyone feels welcome,” Stuart said. “As for the Concordia community, I feel our mysticism brings about a different worldview as well as open-mindedness in general.”

On Oct. 27, CUPS hosted an event at Concordia’s Multi-Faith Spirituality Centre to celebrate Samhain (pronounced sah-win or sow-in), the Pagan festival honouring the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter.

“We celebrate the eight Sabbats in the wheel of the year. They’re open to the public, so anyone can pique their curiosity and come celebrate,” Stuart said.

It is widely believed, especially in paganism, that many Halloween traditions are rooted in the Samhain festival.

Photo by Alex Hutchins

“Samhain is actually the origin of Halloween,” Howell-Slater said. “It is the Wiccan New Year and one of the two most spiritual nights of the year, when supposedly the veil between this world and the next is the thinnest. I celebrate Samhain by having my friends over and doing a private ceremony in remembrance of my dead.”

Halloween is Papini’s favourite time of year. She encourages people to celebrate and dress up as witches, but warns them to be mindful when donning a witch costume.

“Many negative depictions of witches actually come from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance period, back when witches were thought of as people who had sold their souls to the devil in exchange for power, and are also rooted in anti-semitic prejudices,” Papini said. “The idea of a witch as someone with a hooked nose and green skin […] is something you should be mindful and aware of.”

Stuart agreed, and said she believes there is “no problem in donning a pointy hat and a broom.”

“That’s what I’m going to do,” she said.

To skeptics of her faith and practices, Howell-Slater has one message: “My beliefs and my gods are exactly as valid as any other god or set of beliefs you care to name. Mine just happen to be the ones that work for me.”

For more information about CUPS and their upcoming workshops on divination, herbs and the supernatural, visit their Facebook page.

Graphic by Alexa Hawksworth

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