Month: February 2012

116 posts
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ASFA: Meet the presidential candidates

The Arts and Science Federation of Associations’ (ASFA) nomination period for its upcoming general election is over, and all candidates running for executive positions were announced on Sunday. Polling will be taking place between Feb. 15 and 17. As the campaign period begins, The Concordian sat down with presidential candidates Caroline Bourbonnière and Charles Brenchley for an inside look at their newly-launched platforms.
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Becoming a youth leader

Upon entering university, you usually want to make the most out of your university experience. A big part of that experience is developing your personal skills and being exposed to different cultures. There are different organizations at Concordia that could help you do just that.
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‘I am fundamentally an academic’: Judith Woodsworth

After walking away in late 2010 from the top position at Concordia University with just over $700,000 in severance pay, it turns out that former president Judith Woodsworth has been quietly teaching at the university since the start of the winter semester.
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La guerra della pizza

Growing up in an Italian household, finishing everything on my plate and asking for seconds became requirements at…

Concordia sexual assault centre project stalling

The initiative stems from the 2110 Centre for Gender Advocacy, but the goal is to get the university to provide both the space and funding for a sexual assault centre on campus. The campaign hopes to see better services, better sensitivity training for service providers and security personnel, and a 24-hour crisis hotline.

Letters to the editor

RE: ‘Pour some Sugar on me,’ volume 29, issue 16 I was reading your article on comic Sugar…