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Student Life

1533 posts

Smoke still lingers over Kyoto Treaty

This year the Canadian government is set to hand out $1 billion in funding to businesses and homeowners as it begins the first steps toward a workable Kyoto Protocol aimed at slowing global warming. Funding will also be provided for commercial building refits, tens of millions of dollars for ethanol-subsidies, and a whopping $150 million to fund partnerships with province and municipalities on climate-change abatements.

Computer villians after your term papers

Tim Larock and his girlfriend sat for two hours, drinking wordlessly, at a loss. When the computer screen flickered and the Windows 98 logo appeared they took deep breaths. When the Norton Anti-Virus logo popped up it came and went without any warning. And then the screen went blue.

Aboriginal Women: No Rights to Land or Children

Professor Wendy Wasliuk had just finished trying to convince a class of undergraduates at the University of Winnipeg that there was a rational explanation for the negative changes in Aboriginal women's role in the last 500 years, when an agitated young aboriginal woman raised her hand.

Montreal writers find strength in numbers with new group

A writer's life is not an easy one. It's blood, sweat and tears, staying passionate and dedicated; revising and revising until the product is finished. It is the heartache of the dreaded rejection letter, while trying to get published. It is also a life of isolation from peers in the artistic community, a community that can offer encouragement, constructive criticism and put you in the public eye.

Concordia Students Targets of Underhanded Internet Thieves

Like many students, you've probably left behind the long line ups at Concordia's Internet terminals and hooked up from your home. While the security of Concordia's Internet access is almost like Fort Knox, late at night, lurking behind your home gateway to the Internet, are villains after your term papers.

Doing a double whammy: summer classes and working

For many students, summertime means freedom to have a healthy social life again and the opportunity to work unimpeded for much needed cash. In addition, relaxation and enjoying some fun in the sun are long overdue luxuries. For others, however, taking a summer class or two is either something they have chosen to do or something they are required to do.

Cycle your way out of examination mode

It is one of the best kept secrets in Quebec, but for those who cycle in the annual 100 kilometer Le Tour des Pays-d'en Haut in the Laurentians every Victoria weekend, the abrupt and arduous hills that zigzag and cut into the Canadian escarpment provides cycling fanatics with a physically demanding challenge as well as bragging rights.

Christian Fellowship on a mission

On Oct. 8, 2001 hurricane Iris hit the country of Belize. With winds of up to 145 mph, it was the most violent storm in the Atlantic that year. More than 18 divers from Richmond, Virginia perished and almost 15,000 people were left homeless in the Placencia region because 70 per cent of the buildings were left without roofs.

Growth of CJLO being jeopardized

It's been a long time coming, but CJLO is finally on its way from being the little station that could to one of the big boys. Situated on Loyola campus, CJLO, owned by the Concordia Student Broadcasting Corp., was the end result of the merger between CFLI and CRSG in 1998, the latter being the former downtown campus radio station.

Head & Hands reaches out to the community

Becoming involved with a community organization develops the skills needed for the real world. After graduating from McGill University with a degree in english literature, Sandra* decided to register for classes as an independent student at Concordia. She took a class on juvenile crime that led to an opportunity to volunteer at Head & Hands, a community organization that works according to an informal first-name basis.

Photographer takes risks for pics at peace rally

Those whose vocation depends on being on the front lines become accustomed to difficult and dangerous situations. Nothing instigates conflict like a war. When the media becomes involved the individual associated with the press must be adventurous and courageous when accepting assignments with exotic locations or tumultuous settings because what will await them is dangerous.