Committee endorses all BoG-related governance recommendations
The latest step in Concordia’s mission to fix its governance troubles came last week when an ad hoc committee of the Board of Governors announced it was endorsing all of the recommendations stemming from an external review.
The BoG’s ad hoc committee on governance met four times over the summer to pour over the BoG-related recommendations in the external governance review committee’s report. The result is that the ad hoc committee will announce to the full board at its Sept. 28 meeting that it supports all the recommendations, minus a few significant tweaks. Whether the board will actually adopt the recommendations remains to be seen.
The major modification suggested by the ad hoc committee is to include two undergraduate representatives on the BoG, one with speaking and voting rights, while the other, who would be known as the alternate governor, would have speaking rights only. Both, however, would have full voting and speaking rights at the committee level.