Browsing Tag

Pauline Marois

14 posts
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An ideological divide

The highly anticipated summit on higher education organized by the provincial government began Monday morning, where Premier Pauline…
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Concordia digs into deficit

Concordia announced Jan. 23 that it will enter into a deficit of up to $7.5 million for the 2012-2013 fiscal year; one of the biggest deficits declared in the university’s history.
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Searching for a solution on education

One of the most anticipated promises from the Parti Québécois, the provincial summit on education, will be held next month to discuss future plans for Quebec’s governance and management for post-secondary education funds.
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Kiss the hike goodbye

After holding office for only one day, Quebec Premier Pauline Marois is following through on her campaign promise to cancel the university tuition hikes imposed by the outgoing Liberal government.