The Concordia Student Union’s recent appointment to Concordia University’s Senate, VP Loyola Stefan Faina, is ineligible to maintain his position due to his student status, it was discovered on Thursday, Oct. 4.
Concordia University’s first Senate meeting of the academic year addressed various issues and initiatives affecting the university and its governing bodies, including the $2-million fine handed out by the provincial government during March 2012.
A group of students interrupted a joint meeting of Concordia’s Board of Governors and Senate on Tuesday meant to introduce university presidential candidate Dr. Alan Shepard.
Concordia’s Senate unanimously passed a motion to send an open letter to Quebec Premier Jean Charest, urging the government to facilitate dialogue between all parties involved in the student strike.
Concordia University is lagging behind other universities in terms of the level of academic challenge, according to the 2011 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) released at last Friday’s Senate meeting.
Concordia’s five-year academic plan was passed in a secret ballot held during a divisive senate meeting last Friday afternoon.
Despite being rejected unanimously in a symbolic motion by the CSU council last week, the revised 2011-2016 academic plan was adopted in a vote of 26 to 19.
Tension ran high as the students who sit on senate wanted to delay the plan until next year. CSU president Lex Gill voiced her concerns about rushing the multi-million dollar plan being put into motion without the endorsement of the students.