Back away from the wallet

This Friday, millions of middle class citizens from the First World will put aside their credit cards to participate in an informal day of protest against consumerism called “Buy Nothing Day”(BND). Concordia’s uberCulture Collective will be funding several events to promote the cause.

This Friday, millions of middle class citizens from the First World will put aside their credit cards to participate in an informal day of protest against consumerism called “Buy Nothing Day”(BND). Concordia’s uberCulture Collective will be funding several events to promote the cause.

The topic of consumption was introduced earlier this week to raise student awareness. Cooperating with Amnesty International and Cinema Politica, uberCulture sponsored the screening of two anti-consumption films on Monday evening. “Surplus” explores whether we are being terrorized into consumption, presenting the issue from an emotional standpoint, and Brazilian film “Ilha das Flores” or Isle of Flowers, follows the path of a rotten tomato from a farm to a garbage dump illustrating the difference between human beings and pigs. According to Ezra Winton, co-director and co-founder of the uberCulture Collective, the films were meant to show students the disparity between the have countries and have not countries, and the fact that our level of consumption in North America is unsustainable. The BND festivities will continue as uberCulture and Optative Theatrical Laboratories work together to present a performance of “Death by Latt

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