Letters to the editor

Your front page of the January ll, 2006 issue meant a great deal to me. I never have debated so much of who to vote for and thought seriously of voting for none of the above as your page suggests. On November 29th I was thrilled when the Green Party of Canada asked me to be their candidate for the Riviere du Nord riding. I told the head of the Quebec section that her party had no baggage, by which I meant they were not corrupt. I thought they chose me because I am president of Preservation Laurentides which has been trying for over a dozen years to have the United Nations declare the Laurentians an environmentally protected region. While I was campaigning a person I know told me there was another person claiming to be the candidate. I wrote the leader of the party who wrote me back saying he would investigate. I never heard from him again. The person who told me of the second candidate is unaffiliated with any party and he said the Green Party did this to have two people going around getting publicity for their party. I have never been so disallusioned politically. I would have run as an independent but I still cannot get over that a party I thought was so fine turned out to be dishonest in an unusual way.

David S. Rovins, Independent Student
President, Preservation Laurentides

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