Council Chair Nudo Resigns, Lobbyist Steps in

CSU council chair Jessica Nudo resigned last Monday, however her resignation wasn’t announced until nine minutes before the CSU council meeting on Wednesday. In the meantime former CSU president Brent Farrington has been appointed interim chair until a new one is found.

CSU council chair Jessica Nudo resigned last Monday, however her resignation wasn’t announced until nine minutes before the CSU council meeting on Wednesday.
In the meantime former CSU president Brent Farrington has been appointed interim chair until a new one is found. Farrington is the deputy national chairperson for the Canadian Federation of Students, the largest student lobby group in Canada.
While the chair position is normally restricted to Concordia students, Farrington said he had been named an “honorary member” of the CSU in April or May 2005. The Concordian was unable to obtain records of either meeting.
In her letter of resignation Nudo blamed the “continuous war over power” and the “ongoing battle between the CSU and certain individuals, who have formed their life goals around an attempt to impeach anyone who stands in their way,” as the reasons behind her decision.
She also said her marks had dropped since she had taken on the position and that “lies and rumours printed in the university newspapers,” also led her to resign.
While several councillors encouraged Farrington to apply to be the permanent chair, Farrington said he wasn’t interested in the job.
“At the end of the day my job is to represent students across Canada, this is something I’m doing to help out a member association,” he said.
Farrington was CSU president during the 2004 – 2005 school year, and was one of the founders of the centrist “Evolution not Revolution” CSU slate, the forerunner to the Unity party, which currently controls the executive and has a majority on council.
Requests for comment were not returned by Jessica Nudo.

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