City work stoppage in midst of snow storms

About 600 blue collar workers in Montreal stopped clearing snow as soon as their shift was finished, at 4:15 p.m. last Wednesday, two days into Luis Miranda’s tenure as the city’s snow chief. The workers refused to clock any more overtime hours after discovering the pay for all extra hours logged in December wasn’t included in the checks, received earlier that day.

About 600 blue collar workers in Montreal stopped clearing snow as soon as their shift was finished, at 4:15 p.m. last Wednesday, two days into Luis Miranda’s tenure as the city’s snow chief.
The workers refused to clock any more overtime hours after discovering the pay for all extra hours logged in December wasn’t included in the checks, received earlier that day.
The pseudo-strike just happened to take place during some of the worst weather conditions so far this winter.
Montreal was hit with 21 centimetres of snow Wednesday, along with a smog alert and a blowing snow warning.
Miranda told reporters he couldn’t say when all the snow would be removed, but “by Thursday morning, sidewalks, corners and access to public transit should be cleaned.” This wasn’t the case at either Concordia campuses.
City officials and blue collar union representatives held a meeting Wednesday night and quickly reached an agreement. Blue collar workers in Montreal have been working without a contract for two years.

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