A taste of Tiffany’s in Montreal
One of the most famous jewelry stores in the world, Tiffany’s, has finally opened its first free-standing store in Montreal, and it was big. Hundreds of women dragged their husbands to Tiffany & Co. over the week to admire their collection of some of the finest brands of jewelry that exist. After some thought about location, Tiffany’s decided to open inside the Ritz Carlton Residences on Sherbrooke Street. If that wasn’t enough, breakfast at Tiffany’s was served Friday, including mimosas for that good old morning buzz. Montreal is the sixth Canadian city to be graced with Tiffany’s presence. The chain was founded in 1837.
Cracking down on private clinics
Quebec’s medicare board is finally taking a stance on illegal user fees paid by some patients in private clinics by leading one of its biggest investigations to date. Patients around Montreal have been said to pay thousands of dollars in fees in private clinics that are usually supposed to be covered under medicare. One of the biggest crackdowns so far has been at the Rockland MD clinic in the Town of Mount Royal. The Régie de l’assurance maladie du Quebéc concluded this month that this particular clinic charged patients a wide array of expensive fees that contravened the provincial law.
New seat distribution at council
Concordia Student Union President Lex Gill has issued a presidential decree changing the seat distribution at council, awarding 14 seats to arts and science, three seats to fine arts, six to JMSB and three to engineering and computer science. Gill cited a “procedural oversight” as the reason for issuing her decree, which the president has the authority to exercise between council meetings. The distribution was originally supposed to be decided at the February council meeting, but was accidentally left off the agenda.
Penguins at Nuit Blanche
Who said penguins can only have fun in the Arctic? The Biodome kicked off Nuit Blanche in style on Saturday by moving the penguins from their usual space inside the centre. The penguins arrived in their special sled and explored their new habitat for the evening to the surprise and delight of many. The event was organized by Space for Life.