Fine Arts councillor and last year’s VP student life & sustainability Laura Glover officially resigned from her position at the Concordia Student Union in a letter released Sunday.
In her letter, Glover stated that while she is “incredibly grateful” for all of her experiences at the CSU, she is “committed to a number of projects this year” and feels that perhaps another student would be better suited to fill the position.
Glover is the third councillor to step down from the from the CSU this year. Following backlash from council regarding her unresolved student status issues, former VP academic and advocacy Lucia Gallardo formally resigned in September. Former councillor Juliana Ramos quickly followed suit, citing a contentious council as her reason for leaving.
“I realized in September that my workload was quite heavy and I knew I wouldn’t have my focus on the council, the way a counselor should,” Glover told The Concordian. “It took a lot of responsibility to realize I couldn’t and be honest with myself.”
Schubert Laforest, the president of the CSU, spoke to Glover Monday about her resignation and said that while it came as a surprise to him, he understood her choices.
“She’s involved in a lot of things and she knows what the job requires, and knows that she can’t do it, and give 110 per cent,” he said.
Laforest went on to say that the seat will remain open until the byelection in November, where any Fine Arts student is eligible to run for the position.
Glover stated that she will continue to remain in contact with the union and give her advice if needed.
“It was challenging to step down from the CSU or, should I say, take some space because I care very deeply for the union,” Glover said.