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Student Life

1533 posts

Toastmasters club: public speaking made easier

It is a nightmare that many have: being called upon to present a speech. The speech is unprepared, meaning no cue cards, Power Point or overheads. You stand in front of 20 other people, who will be judging you on your performance. You have no time to prepare, let alone think.

Swing dance the night away at ConU

Laughter and chatter uniting strangers. Couples dancing side by side. This semester if you are interested in trying something new and exciting and want to meet new people, the Concordia Swing Society (CSS) has the solution. Why don't you swing by the Mezzanine in the Hall Building on Mondays from 8:30 p.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder: you are not alone

Do you wash your hands more than 30 times a day because of an intense fear of germs? Do obsessive thoughts such as causing tragedy, images of violence or inappropriate sexual thoughts constantly run through your head? What about perpetual doubts such as whether or not the front door is locked or if you turned off the stove? If so, you could be part of the two to three per cent of North Americans who suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

How could we ever forget?

The commemoration of the tragic events of Sept. 11 is to happen today in not only the areas targeted by terrorist attacks, but all across the nation and its neighbouring countries. The United States of America will honour the lives lost, the brave efforts of those on ground zero and the families affected.

Dreaming of sleep

Sleep is something that we all need. For many people especially students, however, a good night's rest is an elusive dream. Studies report that insomnia afflicts about 15 to 20 per cent of the population. Whereas many people occasionally experience difficulty falling or staying asleep, chronic insomniacs have trouble sleeping for three or more weeks.

Ease your way back to school

It's huge. There are so many people. You feel all alone. University can be both intimidating and scary, but you don't have to feel lost in the dark, unsure of which direction to go. There are many academic or counselling services at Concordia that can help make your transition from cegep or high school to university a little bit easier.

Getting involved: Joining the club

As new students flood the halls of Concordia, many clubs and associations are eager to recruit members. These days, one can get lost in the many groups that are made available to students. Here are a select few, to show what Concordia has to offer newcomers.

Toastmasters: Public speaking made easier

It is a nightmare that many have: being called upon to present a speech. The speech is unrepared, meaning no cue cards, Power Point or overheads. You stand in front of 20 other people, who will be judging you on your performance. You have no time to prepare, let alone think.

ConU’s fraternities & sororities alive and kicking

Most undergrads would agree that starting university can be a lonely and intimidating experience. Nobody wants to feel left out, especially at a huge urban campus like Concordia's. Our university has a long history of fraternities and sororities, "Greek letter societies" of men and women whose aim is to create a sense of belonging and leadership in the community.

Summer, sizzle and swing

Laughter and chatter uniting strangers. Wind blowing through your hair. Couples dancing on a gazebo. This summer if you are interested in trying something new and exciting and want to meet new people, the Concordia Swing Society (CSS) has the solution. Why don't you swing by the gazebo on Mount Royal Park for the free swing dance lessons being offered through their "Swing Dance in the Park" event held every Sunday afternoon from 2 p.