Massive Attack – Ritual Spirit (Virgin Records, 2016)
In the six long years since Massive Attack’s Heligoland, the duo has not only remained opaque in regards to new music; they’ve remained mum. Grimy and grim, Ritual Spirit serves up a densely atmospheric tease, its greatest offense in the form of its brisk runtime. Clocking in at 17 minutes and comprised of four songs, this is Robert Del Naja’s baby through and through, living and breathing in urban U.K. hip-hop decay, two-step shuffles and ominous tribal percussion. Culminating with a cavernous appearance by trip-hop artist Tricky, Ritual Spirit serves as a potent, if all too brief reminder of Massive Attack’s expert craftsmanship and pinpoint precision. That being said, an LP would be nice.
Trial Track: “Dead Editors”