The Uncles is a simple comedic drama from Jim Allodi, who, in his directorial debut succeeds in bringing us a beautiful Canadian film about family, life and love that captures the struggles of immigrant families.
Set in Toronto, John Toma is the eldest son of an Italian family trying to balance his life with the responsibilities of being both a father and a brother to his siblings. In the midst of an affair with his boss’ daughter-in-law, he is paying his brother Marco’s tuition and trying to keep an eye on his sister Celia, who is more child-like than anything.
Each character seems so genuine that the audience feels an immediate connection to each individual, including Marco’s friends from the park, who make a lone appearance.
The film itself is centered around John, played by Chris Owens, who is familiar to X-Files fans as Special Agent Jeffrey Spender. John has a lot on his plate as he juggles an affair and home life. However, Owens gives the character the necessary sympathy and edge.
Tara Rosling portrays 30 year-old Celia, who hasn’t been the same since her unnamed accident, with ease. The child like manners and na
Set in Toronto, John Toma is the eldest son of an Italian family trying to balance his life with the responsibilities of being both a father and a brother to his siblings. In the midst of an affair with his boss’ daughter-in-law, he is paying his brother Marco’s tuition and trying to keep an eye on his sister Celia, who is more child-like than anything.
Each character seems so genuine that the audience feels an immediate connection to each individual, including Marco’s friends from the park, who make a lone appearance.
The film itself is centered around John, played by Chris Owens, who is familiar to X-Files fans as Special Agent Jeffrey Spender. John has a lot on his plate as he juggles an affair and home life. However, Owens gives the character the necessary sympathy and edge.
Tara Rosling portrays 30 year-old Celia, who hasn’t been the same since her unnamed accident, with ease. The child like manners and na