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4104 posts

CSU urged to make decision on lawsuit

With less than a month to go before the executive complete their mandate, the Concordia Student Union council of representatives is divided about how to tackle one of the last items on their to-do list before exams start. At the last regular council of representative's meeting, held on Nov.

Candidate profiles

An Umbrella Party Wants to start afresh By David Demers Gaining trust seems to be a challenge these days, and the Umbrella Party said they are up to it. CSU President hopeful Zev Tiefenbach stresses trust as a major concern for the Umbrella Party. "I want to be able to work with all students here.

‘Banned’ prez candidate can access university

CSU presidential candidate Tom Keefer has had his ban from campus lifted so that he can campaign for CSU president. Tom Keefer was expelled from Concordia for allegedly uttering death threats and assaulting a security guard last July. A superior court judge allowed Keefer to have access to only the CSU offices so that he could fulfill his duties as a student representative.

Question targets dean

Among the referendum questions being asked to Concordia students in the upcoming election will be the issue of democratizing the position of dean of students. Appointed by the rector, the dean of students is responsible for various aspects of student life.

Media fund may be indexed to consumer price index

One of the referendum questions that will be on the ballot will be about changing the media fund's collection and redistribution. Currently, the media fund is $0.15 per credit. The referendum question asks to change the media fund to an "ongoing media fund of $0.

People’s Potato feeds G-20 protesters

OTTAWA - When people think of protests, they envision marches and chanting, the waving of posters and clashes with the police. What many do not see are the groups working behind the scenes trying to make the situation more bearable by providing food and shelter to those who need it.

‘I’m only Palestinian’

Accusations that the voices of Palestinian refugees are not being heard are being dispelled by the likes of you and me. Two students - Shannon Bow and Jordan Popp - from McGill took the opportunity to go to a Palestinian prison camp in Lebanon with a Canadian organization called the Canadian Palestinian Alliance (CPAL) to educate children in refugee camps in Lebanon.

Concordia hits bottom: magazine

Concordia did not fare well in Maclean's annual university rankings, placing dead last of all 11 comprehensive universities in Canada. "I am not happy with the ratings and these ratings do not accurately reflect Concordia," said Frederick Lowy, rector and vice-chancellor of Concordia.

Students to hold art exhibition in response to Sept.11

Students to hold art exhibition in response to Sept.11 By Diana Thibeault A group of Concordia students will be holding an art exhibition in January called Art 4 Peace in response to Sept. 11 tragedy and to give students a platform with which to express themselves about the situation of the world through visual arts.

Former Concordians rally behind Rector Lowy

Concordia's alumni have unwittingly enrolled themselves in Concordia Student Politics 101. The presidents of three alumni associations co-wrote a letter in late October offering their full support for rector's Frederick Lowy's decision to ban two members of the student union from campus in August.